Monday, December 31, 2012

Asiago Poached Egg Sandwich

Sandwich jokes are not offensive.  It means that our sandwich-making abilities far surpass anyone else's.  Men take food seriously.  It is a sign of great trust that they insist we dominate the kitchen.  (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

That said, I only make sandwiches when I'm feeling creative.  (PBJ is occasionally ok, but kinda boring.)  Possibly the most delicious sandwich my tastebuds have ever enjoyed is the one pictured above: a poached egg sandwich on an asiago cheese bagel.  It's simple, but I think it's worth sharing how to make one.

  1. Play music. Preferably something upbeat like Fun.'s album "Some Nights" or Kelly Clarkson's album "Stronger" if you're feeling especially spunky.
  2. Fill a small pot with about an inch or so of water.  Add a pinch of kosher salt and a splash of white vinegar.  Heat it as hot as it can go without boiling, or even simmering too much.
  3. Crack a (fresh) egg cleanly and place it in a small, separate dish.  This will allow you to scoop any shards of shell before putting it in the water; also, it will make the transfer to the water easier and less likely to break the yoke.  You do not want to break the yoke.
  4. Slide the egg into the water, stirring the water slowly so the whites wrap nicely around the yoke as it cooks.  By having the egg cooked tightly, it is easier to fit it on the sandwich without the whites hanging off the sides, which is always uncomfortable to eat and not visually appealing.  Remember, a lot of the "taste" of what you're eating comes from what you see -- presentation, presentation, presentation!
  5. Slice the asiago bagel in half.  Toast it open face in toaster oven, one slice of sharp cheddar cheese on one half, and a slice of ham on the other.  Place the heat on medium; that will melt the cheese and crisp the ham and bagel just enough.  Once the cheese begins to melt, turn off the oven and withdraw the bagel.
  6. By this time, the egg may be ready to be removed from heat.  Depending on how runny you like your eggs, you may want to poach the egg at least over-medium so you can pick up the sandwich without it being too messy.  I would recommend cooking the egg a little longer than you would prefer if you were just eating a dippy egg.
  7. Put it all together and voilà!  A delightful way to start your day.

Let me know if you try it and how it works out.  Cheers!

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